Smoking not only cause wrinkled of face till change into yellow, it's also changing to the entire body. Research publicized in the Archives of Dermatology show that smoking will influence to the entire body skin although it's protected against from the sunshine.

"We check the skin and find the relation between smokings with the skin damage. Subject of the Research start checked from the cigarette amount per day and also smoking duration," said researcher chief from the University of Michigan, Dr Yolanda Helfrich, like reported on Reuters.

More explain from her, all participles have age more than 65 years old. The result, smoker having more wrinkle amount compared to a nonsmoker. Same result by using participle which have age 45 until 65 years old.

Researcher test 82 people, smoker and nonsmoker taken its picture at inside of right arm. The research object age is between 22 until 99, some of them is smoker.

Some previously research find that smoke of cigarette can cause early aging as the indication of wrinkle. But the researches do not control the sunshine amount that hitting the skin.

This research do not discuss the mechanism that happened. It is the previously research that finding that cigarette and also cigarette smoke can cause the blood line under skin is wrinkle, lessening blood supply for the skin. Cigarette also can cause the damage of skin network and also part of inner body.